May 2021 Wildflower Seeding News

Wildflowers set to be planted for insects

WILDFLOWERS are set to be planted in York and meadows could be better protected as councillors launch a strategy to help bees, butterflies and beetles. Read More.


Why planting wildflowers makes a difference

Now more than ever, many of us are conscious of how much our well-being is connected to the natural world. With less travel and limited socializing during the coronavirus pandemic, we’re all seeking more of a connection with nature. Escaping to the outdoors, we’re revived by the sights and soothed by the smell of flowers and trees. We’re reminded that every living thing depends on another. Read more at National Geographic. 


Do wildflowers distract motorists?

As for saying that anything – as suggested by Bridport Town Council, aesthetically pleasing – might be a possible distraction to motorists, let me say that a cheap, quick fix of a few packets of seeds will surely fill motorists with surprise and disappointment. Read More


Winchester City Council slammed over ‘No Mow May’ cutting

WINCHESTER City Council has been criticised for mowing a grass verge in Kings Worthy destroying an area adorned with wildflowers.

The authority carried out the work in North Road last month during ‘No Mow May’, which is a campaign encouraging people to not mow green spaces and allow for wildflowers to bloom, providing a feast of nectar for pollinators. Read More