Welcome to Wildflower Seeding

Welcome to the site that answers all your wildflower seeing questions.

From what exactly wildflower meadows are and the importance they play in our ecosystems, to when is the best time to plant your seeds and where, we’ve got all your wildflower wonderings covered.  

The importance of wildflower seeding has become even more pertinent in recent years. Wildflower meadows are a vital part of the British ecosystem, providing a bounty of pollen and habitats for wildlife and bugs. However, they are in severe danger due to intensive farming and development. It is estimated that since the 1930s, 97% of British wildflower meadows have been destroyed. 

Fortunately there are various ways this damage can be repaired and wildflowers can be reinstated, be it through individual planting or large scale hydroseeding. 

With so many pollinators and different species of insects relying so heavily on wildflower meadows to survive, it is of vital importance that we start to replant and care for these natural wildlife hubs. Luckily, wildflower planting is simple and easy, with seeds requiring relatively low maintenance. 

Whilst wildflowers can be planted in smaller areas and individual pots, wildflower meadows are the best large sources of natural habitats and pollen. A wildflower meadow is an area of land that is sowed with flowering plants and left to flourish with minimal interference, making it a haven for wildlife.

Wildflower meadows can either be planted as perennial meadows which flowers throughout the year and survives well on poor quality soil, or an annual meadow that will flower once a year and require richer soil. Wildflower meadows have huge environmental benefits, and provide the opportunity to reintroduce native species of flowers that may have died out, also making them an ideal option for neglected land and nature reserves. 

Explore this website for tips, tricks and advice for creating and maintaining your very own wildflower haven.