Can you just throw wildflower seeds?

The simple answer to this question is yes, you can, but it may not be as effective as if you spend a little time preparing the ground.

While throwing wildflower seeds can work, the seeds may germinate and take root, it’s very dependent on a number of variables such as weather conditions, soil type and variety of seed being used. 

It’s advisable to do a little research into your soil type before purchasing any seed mixture, that way your chosen supplier will be able to advise you on the best variety of seeds to use.

It’s also a good idea to prepare the soil. Even something as simple as clearing weeds and raking the surface will help to expose the soil and allow the seeds to make contact when sown. If you are looking to sow your seed mixture in a more sporadic ‘thrown’ manner, it’s a good idea to mix them with sand beforehand; this way they’ll spread more easily and you can also see where you have sown. Don’t throw too high either – you don’t want the wind to take them!