
Sowing wildflower seeds into grass

Sowing wildflower seeds into grass is a simple and effective way of sprucing up a neglected area of land and helping to reinstate a natural habitat for wildlife. It’s easy to do and low maintenance, however you do need to make that you carry out the all-important groundwork beforehand, ensuring that your project is as […]

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Planting wildflower seeds in pots

While wildflowers are traditionally sown on grass and open meadow space, they can also be planted and thrive in containers. If you don’t have access to a patch of soil this is a great alternative where you can still reap the benefits of sewing wildflowers on a smaller scale.  Wildflowers grown in containers look great […]

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Can you just throw wildflower seeds?

The simple answer to this question is yes, you can, but it may not be as effective as if you spend a little time preparing the ground. While throwing wildflower seeds can work, the seeds may germinate and take root, it’s very dependent on a number of variables such as weather conditions, soil type and […]

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