August 2021 Wildflower Seeding News

Sir David Attenborough’s Big Butterfly Count meadow accidentally mowed by a council worker

A meadow used by Sir David Attenborough for the Big Butterfly Count has been rendered unusable after a council worker ‘misunderstood’ instructions and mowed it all.

Council bosses have apologised after the individual mowed down the nine-acre wildflower meadow at The Knowle, in Sidmouth. Read More. 

UK golf club to build a toboggan run on its grounds

A Nottinghamshire golf club has been granted permission to build a 120-metre toboggan run on its grounds.

Leen Valley Golf Club will also build an 18-hole adventure golf course, with information boards and landscaping installed to celebrate a local mining heritage.

An irrigation storage pond will also be introduced near the 16th hole, leading to the regrading of the hole’s putting green, while shrub planting and wildflower seeding will improve the diversity of nearby habitat. Read More

Wildflower meadows – a practical approach

Public interest in wildflower meadows and sustainable landscapes is at an all-time high. There is recognition throughout the groundcare and landscape industries that more needs to be done in the establishment of biodiverse areas within sports facilities and green amenity spaces.

Wildflower Turf Ltd’s Managing Director, James Hewetson-Brown, discusses the various methods of establishment. Read More

Restoring Norfolk’s ancient meadows – using rare wildflowers found by the roadside

Ancient wildflower meadows are being restored using seed-rich green hay harvested from Norfolk’s roadside verges. Read more