July 2021 Wildflower Seeding News

Families enjoy urban wildflower sowing session on city open space

Around 120 local people visited a green space in a Peterborough housing estate on Saturday to sow the seeds for a wildflower meadow. Read More

Malta sends wildflower seed mix to 180,000 households

Under the Maltese government’s new educational initiative, some 180,000 households in the country are to receive a special package containing a mix of wildflower seeds and instructions on how to sow and care for them. The aim is to encourage families to grow their own plants at home and thereby boost awareness of native plants and their diversity. Read More. 

Flower power! The movement to bring back Britain’s beautiful meadows

More than 97% of meadows have been destroyed, but the fight is now on to restore them. They are essential for plants and insects – but is it wise to lose food-producing fields? Read more



Roadside verges – Britain’s roads are becoming messier and more colourful

Verges may seem insubstantial, but they make up more than 1% of the country. Read More

Oliver Brown Wildflower Seeding

Lovely to see our teams hard work establishing nicely near Swindon, much more to do here but so far they’ve installed almost 700 linear metres of pre-planted coir roll, pre planted coir pallets, brushwood faggots, standard trees and wildflower hydroseeding.